其实,西方文化的毒侵,何止于此。一年前我游故宫的时候,就发现一个奇怪的现象: 讲解牌匾往往都印有一个西方赞助商的名字。比如,悬挂在坤宁宫大门前的牌匾,就印了American Express的名字。我还特地照了相。
当年八国联军入侵故宫,烧的烧,抢的抢,美国就是其中一个共犯。唐伯虎的的画,王曦之的字,很可能就在美国大兵点烟的当儿,化为灰烬。可以原谅,但不能忘记。现在反倒要American Express来赞助赞助,还让他们堂儿皇之地写下大名,实在愧对凡是有骨气的中国人。
中国人现在并不穷了。两千亿美元的外交储备金闲在那儿干什么呢? 故宫并不稀罕外国公司的一分一毫。国家应该全面拨款,何必要看外国公司的脸色?
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I've been waiting for a few days for people to comment on this. It proves my point: no one cares.
The great citizens of China don't care. Who are we to say anything?
Note: This is not to say you shouldn't say anything, but to point out that whatever emotion/passion, it will eventually drowned by their indifference.
I think its cool to have star bucks in Gu Gong Muzeum.
It's even more cool to have American Express- sponsored- plate to elaborate the war crimes that americans & co had committed. It has the same effect of the pubnishment where the school boy is coerced to hang a board around his neck stating that "I dare not miss my homework again".
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