Tuesday, November 17, 2009

that's it?

I'm struck by the simplicity of the menu of the most important dinner of the entire world. In contrast, even a usual wedding dinner in KL would have 6 or 7 course.

The dishes are also impressively environmental-friendly. There is no sharkfin, for instance. It's interesting to note the difference between now and say 30 years ago.When Lee Kuan Yew visited Deng Xiao Ping, he was served bear paw. It is inconceivable now.

What is more important for us to take away from this menu is the brand of wine. If you ever visit China, you need to buy 中国河北2002年出产的长城干红和长城干白, because Obama drinks it.





Blogger Elizebeth D.L. said...

But the 现场表演(cultural dance) is great. I got some excerpt from this morning's news. THe chinese cultural dance and show ended with English songs performed by a group of university singers.

The message I get from all these shows is, "you and I are equal. No more you "big brother"!"

11/18/2009 11:57 AM  
Blogger steve tan said...

interesting... China has never been this confident.

The only complaint I have is that Hu Jin Tao is always not very natural. He face is abit too stiff, never been able to talk without a script. Obama is so spontaneous.

11/18/2009 4:08 PM  
Blogger Elizebeth D.L. said...

Obama really has the charm. In that round table, when the camera is shooting that direction, all I can see is Obama face. The other chinese and guai low faces (included Hilary) all faded off.

The table is damn big round... with a pair of peacock in the middle, with background music of very chinese old music... and 2 kinds of flag standing at the back (and at the back of the flags are 中国山水画)hmm... very china.

11/18/2009 7:07 PM  
Blogger Elizebeth D.L. said...

forgot to mention, the flags is of course the U.S. 国旗 and 中国国旗. What else.. hehehe.

11/18/2009 7:08 PM  
Blogger 舞者 said...

I just sat through some smug talk by my Chinese colleagues regarding this event. This is one of those things I completely don't know how to comment on.

11/19/2009 11:07 AM  

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